Title: Magical assistance. Post by: Kiran on August 23, 2010, 09:54:24 pm (http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/6691/corruption5.jpg)
Might have been smeared on slightly too thickly, however I do believe all will go accordingly to plan. If we can gather men from the arcanists, we have a base to build on, I am unsure if Bersi believe what I was feeding him, but as with many army men, when one of their own citizens is attacked they usually hopefully think of the laws in Cove. Is time for you to go to work however family. We need to spread rumours as the good old days, find allies the usual. Do not think though to underestimate our opponents, it has been years since I put on armour last, as I have not felt threatened in a way untill yesterday. Do not underestimate the Shadowhands. Kiran. |