Title: The future may show Post by: Leanne Martin on September 03, 2010, 06:38:02 pm Ilyana sat outside of the barracks, when an owl flew over her head away. Strained she watched the night-loving creature, when suddenly something fell from the sky not far from her.
Remembering, it could concern something edible, she ran immediately to the object and picked it up in a hurry. But which found it, nothing edible was definite, or at least the edible was already eaten. "I'm coming home - Kien" Ilyana remained for short time air away and became bleaches. Couldn't it be THIS Kien? The man, who she could call her first love? The time could not be worse. Since Victor had disappeared, much happened. Her marriage with Starkad, her misscariage and now the fiance of Lucas Drachen,, the concerns of her closest friend Bersi about the Shadowhands, the threatening conflict with Vesper. Certainly, he should be actually alive and come home, would have her him much to tell. However, the thought to see him again gave her both the feeling of joy and of fear and mourning. She put the "letter" away and kept it reliably. She wiped herself a tear of the cheeks, when she went back to the barracks again and tried to be able to be marked nothing. |