Title: Patrol around Cove Post by: Graum Trolle on September 04, 2010, 08:04:59 pm After my earlier rather embarassing failure at the Orc Fort I decided to expand on the slight tour of the area I had been given, in search of some easier work to help boost my self-confidence again. I started making my way east from Cove, stopping to help clear the woods of the usual critters that could attack travellers, such as trolls, ogres and the odd ettin. (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol1.png)(http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol2.png)(http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol3.png)(http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol4.png) I eventually saw a fenced in area in the distance between the trees, and curiously made my way closer to take a look. The look did not last long however, as all manners of undead rushed to meet me, and I decided that it'd be a good idea to leave it a very short visit. (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol5.png) I remembered a small outpost Watchman Railen had shown me up near Altmere earlier, so I turned north to go have a closer look at it, but sadly there was nothing else of interest there. (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol6.png) Once again I made my way east, and on the way encountered what looked like a recently covered hole in the ground just on the side of the road, being guarded by an ettin. I had a poke around with my spear, but was unable to get any real idea of what was buried there. (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol7.png) Continuing further east towards the mountains I realized that I had been so busy with my new duties all day that I had completely forgotten to eat anything. Fortunately the forest was rich with animal life, and catching something to eat didn't take very long. (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol8.png) Feeling replenished after the meal I continued east yet again, and soon came upon something interesting again... (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol9.png) A dark cave with a warning sign outside. How could I possibly resist? (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol10.png)(http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol11.png)(http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol12.png) After a bit of a trek into the dungeon, and after killing a fair few Harpies in the process, I decided to return to Cove again. All in all it was a very rewarding little trip, returning with over 5000 gold pieces and nearly 600 feathers. (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/covepatrol1/covepatrol13.png) Patrol led, organized, planned and attended by: Graum Trolle Signed, Graum Trolle, Guardsman Recruit |