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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Jassi Cowin on September 04, 2010, 10:58:30 pm

Title: Sentry & Training at Vesper Crossroads
Post by: Jassi Cowin on September 04, 2010, 10:58:30 pm

Sentry & Training at Vesper Crossroads

When: September 4th, 2010
Where: Vesper Crossroads

Commanding Officer: Ilyana, Junior Arcanist

Guardsmen in attendance:
Jassi Cowin, Watchman
Brenna Night, Guardsman Recruit
Gruam Trolle, Guardsman Recruit
Hoagie, Captain
Celuvian Haap, Regular Arcanist
Sergio Jarrett, Junior Scout

First and foremost, I must say that Ilyana is a fine example of a lass and Covian solider, intelligent, witty, organized and has the looks and heart of an angel and knows how to take charge. Second, this is my first report in a while, I have been gone from Cove for quite sometime, but I am back now and better than ever! So Ilyana decided we should all do a sentry at the Vesper Crossroads, with everything going on around Vesper lately, a very good idea, the security of Cove depends on what kind of shape that Vesper is in.

So Ilyana gathered the crew up and off we went, nothing exciting on the way to the crossroads, everything was mostly calm and quiet when we got there, I helped chop the wood with Hoagie and Gruam got the hides and I'm not sure what Brenna did.  We did see a citizen in need of help who was being chased by some brigands and undead, we stopped to help him and he thanked us for saving his life, impressed by the army, he decided to join us. Hoagie had to split with him however to get him into uniform. Ilyana and myself finished setting up the walls for the sentry. Two more guardsmen, Sergio and Celuvian decided to show up.

Standing around bored with not much to do, we decided to pull off a little crosshealing training exercise in which we paired up into two's, Ilyana and I won of course, Celuvian killed his partner and the other two (Brenna & Sergio) hid most of the time. Hoagie and the new recruit showed up again right at the very end of the training & sentry, Ilyana gave us a job well done and we headed home.


(http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/3771/sentrytraining.jpg) (http://img839.imageshack.us/i/sentrytraining.jpg/)

*signed neatly*

Jassi Cowin

Title: Re: Sentry & Training at Vesper Crossroads
Post by: Leanne Martin on September 04, 2010, 11:11:10 pm
*a few notes had been added at the bottom*

Decent report, Jassi! You really made your job good in making me look awesome! You shall be awarded with five Ilyana-points!