Title: [REPORT] Monday Night Fight!
Post by: Faden on September 06, 2010, 10:51:41 pm
(http://www.neverdream.eu/uo/reports/monfightnight_afr3.jpg) | Lead by: Faden Wildheart
Attended by: Brenna Night Graum Trolle Yuzbasi Sancha Railen Jassi Cowin Amielia Pond Theoden Westaman
Cove was quiet so I decided to rally up the troops and visitors and allow everyone to show each other what they are made of in a good old fighting tournament!
Fight 1: Brenna versus Graum (Winner) Fight 2: Amielia versus Jassi (Winner) Fight 3: Railen (Winner) versus Yuzbasi
the three loosers had a battle royale with Brenna being the winner and coming 4th place!
The 3 winners of the first round fought against eachother:
Fight 1: Jassi (Winner) versus Ralien Fight 2: Jassi (Winner) versus Graum Fight 3: Railen (Winner) versus Graum
Graum came 3rd! Railen came 2nd! Jassi won the fight night with an outstanding performance!
We finished up with a free for all... after a lot of ganking and cheap tactics Brenna and Railen both draw - basically they both gave up after 20 minutes of fighting!
Well done everyone!
Signed, Faden Wildheart
Regular Scout. |