Title: *A letter sent to the steward* Post by: Keitaro Kazami on September 10, 2010, 03:39:19 am Leso here is the plans I was talking about.
*signed* Mizuho kazami *Three scrolls of floor plans have been included with the "letter"* (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/Kentaro_01/goblinfloor1.jpg) (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/Kentaro_01/goblinfloor2.jpg) (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/Kentaro_01/goblinfloor3.jpg) Title: Re: *A letter sent to the steward* Post by: Hoagie on September 11, 2010, 06:46:38 pm *A folded letter is delivered.*
It's a bit... well, it's a good start. I'll address the plans floor by floor. Ground Floor Importing sandstone isn't really necessary for the staff area of the town tavern. Wood, or perhaps a The office and kitchen seem larger than they need to be. Perhaps reduce the overall depth of the building for additional garden space outside. First Floor Needs windows. Perhaps flip the stairs so they run from west to east rather than north to south. Probably wood flooring, for a warmer, "friendlier" feel. Roof Garden The roof garden is a pleasant enough idea, but I think it would look better if the roof itself overhung a little. With the current proposed design, the roof appears to be perched on top of the walls, rather than actually... a roof. I look forward to seeing the updated plans. *Signed and stamped.* Leso Varen, Steward Title: Re: *A letter sent to the steward* Post by: Hoagie on September 11, 2010, 10:45:41 pm *A second letter follows.*
I have been working with some of Cove's architects and have the following proposed changes to your design. Main Area (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11252267/Goblin%20Redesign/goblin1.jpg) Basement (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11252267/Goblin%20Redesign/goblin2.jpg) Roof (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11252267/Goblin%20Redesign/goblin3.jpg) *Signed and stamped.* Leso Varen, Steward |