Title: *a personal letter sent to Cor'Vani* Post by: Leanne Martin on September 10, 2010, 09:02:16 pm Dear Cor'Vani,
I'm not happy about the latest events that happened, even though I may act like it. Ever since I joined the army of Cove, you and Kal, whom I met first as Fred, where always treatening me well. Keep in mind. I didn't arrest your fiance because of personal matters, I did it because I was ordered to and all evidences point that she really did take part in criminal acts. It is true, I never trusted her really. A former Vesperian soldier getting into Covian ranks so soon after she left Vesper? I don't know if you are a part of this... conspiracy... However, orders are orders and I only do as I must, to protect the people of Cove. And also keep in mind, you're a part of the army. While on duty, you'll have to let your personal feelings for Brenna behind and treat officers or any higher ranked with respect. I could understand if you do not wish that I'm any longer your mentor, though I really hope you leave the personal matters behind. Sincerely, Ilyana |