Title: *Note stuck in Ilyanas door* Post by: Kal/Mathew on September 11, 2010, 06:31:00 am I do not hold you responsable for I to know Orders are orders, does not mean I have to like them. If I was part of all this you would have known the day I went to see Brenna in the Cells all battered and bruised with several broken ribes. As for you being my Mentor.........If I did not want you to continue I would have told you when I heard she was arrested .
All this crap going on is only pushing me to strive to see the Unjust righted and the ones causeing it brought to justice. You can beleave me on this or you can accuse me wrongfully like many others have been in the Past. I will follow my orders as they are given but you must also understand the stress I am under. Being pulled in two different dirresction without a choice in the matter or anything else. I really need someone to talk to but do not know who to trust anymore, I am at a loss on many things and I am falling apart bad enough I could not keep pace with the Crimenal and I have never felt like this in a long time. Till I find one I can trust to talk to I will keep it bottled up but do not expext me to be so civil in some of my words. *Signed* Cor'Vani Thaeldan Junior Guardsman |