Title: Order and Chaos Post by: Leanne Martin on September 12, 2010, 12:55:45 pm Ilyana walked through Cove, after she left the Goblin. Her mind was twisted, and full of sorrow... It all started when Bersi had to talk with her about certain things about the Shadowhands. Her blind loyality to him has brought chaos not only upon her, also about Cove.
With arresting Brenna, she had drawn the hate of many other people on herself, including her apprentice, perhaps even the parents of her godchild. Ilyana never really trusted Brenna, that is right, but... Did she really deserve this torture? Ilyana shrugged the thought away, as she recalled, that potential criminals have to be arrested until they are speaken not guilty. But, what brought her even more sorrow was, that Kal surely would not stay silent after what Ilyana did. One of her closest friends could now to try to assaniate her. But for sake of Bersi, she gladly would give her life, even if it would mean to betray her closest friends. With sad expression in her face, she thought about the nearby future. The situation between Vesper and Cove had not been going any better, since bailiff Kiran had been attacked by Rhet and Trent. If things getting worse, Ilyana had to choose between her fiance on Vespers side, and her "older brother" on Coves side. The day may come, she feared, and yet, she would not know to choose any side. In fact, on her recruiting, she told Raiden, that she would serve as a soldier, not as woman. Therefor, she should choose to fight for Cove. However, a marriage between Lucas and herself maybe could bring some sort of peace back, perhaps even to restore a bit of order in the chaos she helped to spread over Cove... I wonder how Raiden does these days... she thought absently, as another bird circled over her head and landed on her arm... Another letter... |