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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Delfer on September 25, 2010, 01:32:48 am

Title: Watchman Trials ~ Jassi Cowin
Post by: Delfer on September 25, 2010, 01:32:48 am
Yer lucky to 'ave survived this long, apprentice... Vereh, vereh luckeh.. S' probably because ye wanna beh ah grenadier, aye, that's 'et. But even tha' will nay keep alive much longer, so ye need t' get yer cap fast!

Watchman Trials: Jassi Cowin


~Task One~

Into the Abyss

It's been a good while since the guards were led into the deepest depths of the abyss... They're becoming ninnies! Take them into Doom and show them how a real man hunts.

*Atleast 6 other guards must accompany you on this hunt
*You must summon and slay the Bone Demon, collecting a trophy for our Baron.
*You must invoke the virtue of Valor in the guardsmen

~Task Two~
The Making of Men

The discipline of the army as a whole at the time is questionable.... Real men of course don't ask questions, they answer them. So I want you to lead two exercises focused on making our guards into real fighting men.
They may be done seperately.

- The first of which is a training focusing on loyalty and discipline. Remind the guardsmen how things work in an army and then how things work in the COVIAN army. 
- The second is a training meant to create a bond between guards. Strip them of all their possessions and lead them deep into the woods. Force them to create a suitable camp and sentry, find food and water and survive the night.  In the morning lead a good old pain training. If things work out they might get back to Cove with a sense of camaraderie.

*Atleast 4 other guardsmen must attend each training, preferably recruits
*The trainings must be scheduled as they will be lengthy

~Task Three~
Building a Fort

A little known requirement for promotion to Junior is the ability to build a glorious sentry. It has been proven time and time again that soldiers without an understanding of fort building end up being rubbish at everything else. You are to build a sentry worthy of the Baron himself in the Baronship household!

*Atleast 3 other guards must attend and help in the construction of the sentry
*It must be manned for atleast 30 minutes
*It must be grand

Good luck, Watchman.

Buttons, Regular Grenadier