Title: Trinsic Fight Night, Tuesday 26th of October, 8pm Post by: Celuvian on September 28, 2010, 11:46:03 am Quote from: Reann;542409 TRINSIC FIGHT NIGHT When - Tuesday 26th of October, Signup begins 8pm Fights will begin at 8:15pm! Location - The roof of the West Guard Tower. [Next to the West Bank.] All are welcome to participate. Participants need to sign up on the day - early arrival will ensure a position in the fights, Late arrivals may be accepted till the end of the first round of fights. The Winner will recive a prize proving they are the champion of the fights! Rules of the Fights - You may use anything you are trained to use! Reann Lothain. [Any other questions contact me on icq# 159303979] [OOC - Necromancy Curses/Damage spells/Vampire form allowed during the matches. Other forms and raising undead are not allowed - we can only turn a blind eye to so much!] [Provided there is no EM event!] Title: Re: Trinsic Fight Night, Tuesday 5th of October, 8pm Post by: Celuvian on October 05, 2010, 11:34:50 am Tonight!
Title: Re: Trinsic Fight Night, Tuesday 26th of October, 8pm Post by: Celuvian on October 26, 2010, 06:42:40 pm Bumpedibump!
Title: Re: Trinsic Fight Night, Tuesday 26th of October, 8pm Post by: Sergio on October 26, 2010, 10:21:31 pm Sorry about never being able to attend these my Tuesday and Thursday class ends exactly when it starts and it's about 5 minutes back to my car and 20 to my house obeying the speed limit.