Title: *A noticed sent to all Tavern staff* Post by: Keitaro Kazami on October 10, 2010, 07:40:48 pm Next weekend I will need help setting up an open-air tavern and market. I want all of you to meet with Lok and Yuki at the Goblin on Monday to hash out what all needs to be done.
*Signed* Mizuho Kazami Title: Re: *A noticed sent to all Tavern staff* Post by: Yukina on October 11, 2010, 03:35:56 am *Sits at Mizuho's Desk and scribbles a short Letter*
Mizuho, Im possibly not going to be able to be around much but i will help all i can with what you need. Just send me word with what you need me to do and ill see that it is done. *Signed* Yukina Shadowhand Goblin Manageress P.S. Kal and the rest of the family send their best wishes to you and Marcus. The are all happy for you. (http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/7691/yukisiggy.png) (http://img218.imageshack.us/i/yukisiggy.png/) Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us) |