Title: Friday 22nd October 2000 GMT - The Lord's Oak Post by: Michael Vandrik on October 20, 2010, 12:08:37 am What: Gather timbers so that they may be used to build a sea going force.
Where: Report to the Chapel steps orderly and promptly. Who: All Covians, Citezen and Guardsman alike. Bring: Thy Manners, thy arms, thy back, and thy axe. Some hatchet may be available. Deo Juvante Title: Re: Friday 22nd October 2000 GMT - The Lord's Oak Post by: Michael Vandrik on October 23, 2010, 02:59:20 pm ((OOC: Apologize for not making my own planned event. I had relatives. Hope this did not delay anyone too long and hope to reschedule this soon.))