Title: *Posters and Fliers Herald a New Establishment* Post by: Maccen on November 01, 2010, 12:20:57 pm Shire-rest Ladies Bourding House - Seeks Staff and Tenants!
Ladies and Genteel Mens, Boys and Girls, Professionals of all walks, did we mention Women especially. The Leso Veran Restoration Society presents to you, the great people of Cove, the first bastion of decency and higher learning exclusively for women! On top of offering safe, secure living spaces for low cost, packaged with courses in basic living and homemaking for women, we offer jobs! The Shire-rest Ladies' Bourding House has numerous rooms available to women whom are: Single, Estranged from their Husbands, Of Marrying Age, Homeless. Ladies living under this roof shall be required all of the following: Rooms shall be cleaned, Rent shall be paid monthly on time, They shall take guests only within the Common Rooms of the building, will seek education to better themselves, shall refrain from crime most specifically prostitution, shall not discuss rental amounts. Privileges gained: A room of your own, Decorate to your hearts desire(Just pay yer rent); Access to meals and education, including access to a common parlor with which to court suitors and entertain guests; Access to baths for the maintenance of hygiene. We also seek staff for the following positions: Cook - Responsible for all meals served. Tutors - Various subjects such as sewing, cooking, and meal making. Accountant - for collecting rent so as to provide balances to the landlord. Dress Makers/Hair Stylists - These women need grooming for their future husbands. All positions should be applied for within. Anyone women wishing tenant status should also inquire within. *Sealed and signed* Maccen Jepta Korten, Citezen and Landlord. Title: Rooms Available Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 02, 2010, 10:09:46 pm The follow diagram shows which rooms are available and their prices:
(http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/117/prices1.jpg) (http://img547.imageshack.us/img547/4605/occupancy1.jpg) |