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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Linaeus on November 27, 2010, 03:53:15 am

Title: Searching for an Oathbreaker
Post by: Linaeus on November 27, 2010, 03:53:15 am

Leading: Commander Torrak Keres
Attending: Regular Grenadier Raven
                  Regular Scout Faden Wildheart
                  Regular Scout Sergio Jarrett

Having been alerted some time ago that former Grenadiers Marcus Tel'var and Keitaro Kazami had recently betrayed the Baron and defected to the group of would-be Knights calling the village of New Hope their home, I gathered a small detachment of guardsmen this evening and set out on an expedition to bring them in for a hearing before the Council. When we arrived, we were greeted by an armed force of local "Knights," who proceeded to refuse our demands that we be allowed to carry out a search of the area.

After several minutes' debate, the traitor Kal Shadowhand (who, despite not being our objective, also has a great deal to answer for) appeared behind me with his blade drawn. Grenadier Raven, being a well-trained and disciplined fellow and a credit to his squad, opened fire, and before the traitor could swing his blade he lay on the ground, incapacitated. The other locals sprung into action, initiating a skirmish. After a brief scuffle, two of the locals lay wounded, while the four Covians remained almost untouched, pursuing the surviving hostiles a short distance before making a sweep of the town.

As neither of the targets could be located, we withdrew to the CMI Octiovus and set sail for home after vowing to return soon to complete our mission.

Commander Torrak Keres,
1st "Baron's Own" Grenadier Regiment,
Covian Maritime Infantry.

Title: Re: Searching for an Oathbreaker
Post by: Linaeus on December 12, 2010, 01:13:40 am
Leading: Commander Torrak Keres
Attending: Regular Grenadier Raven
                 Regular Scout Sergio Jarrett
                 Watchman Kyte
                 Guardsman Recruit Leanne Melior
                 Guardsman Recruit Sabal
                 Guardsman Recruit Gaius Blaesius
                 Random Vesperain Civilian Lucas Drachen

Note: Faden Wildheart stayed in the shadows and did not participate in the fight, claiming conflicting interests.

Arriving at the Barracks at the time at which I had originally intended to launch another search of New Hope, I found Sergio and Gaius panicking over the apparent capture of Corporal Ilyana. I took the measure of ringing the Barracks Bell, and gathered the force detailed above, although the Corporal escaped and returned prior to our departing. With her safe, I shifted the mission back to its original objective of finding and punishing the traitors.


Upon arriving, we gave them one more chance to turn in the traitors peacefully. They refused, and shot a gorilla that Raven had captured as a pet previously. We opened fire, and in short order had the lot of them knocked out and their hands bound. We identified some of those present as being Britannian Guards and Moonglowian Navy personnel. After debating whether to take captives, we decided against it and withdrew.

Be it known that on this, the eleventh day of December, the second and final warning was issued to the town of New Hope regarding the harboring of fugitives from justice. The town resisted violently and local paramilitaries, aided by Britannian Forces, had to be subdued.

Commander Torrak A. Keres
1st "Baron's Own" Grenadiers
The Baronship of Cove

Title: Re: Searching for an Oathbreaker
Post by: Linaeus on December 13, 2010, 01:40:00 am