Title: [Report] Defeating threats of Cove Post by: Leanne Martin on December 20, 2010, 04:49:51 pm In Attendence:
Ilyana, Arcanist Corporal (leading) Kas Valentine, Senior Arcanist Celuvian Haap, Regular Arcanist Sergio Jarrett, Regular Scout Raven, Regular Grenadier Random recruit lass (died) Random recruit lad (died) On sunday evening, before parade was held, Commander Keres ordered the brave guardsmen to the barracks, where they should recieve new orders. According to him, the templars were kinda angry because Covian soldiers burned down the bridge a few days before, leading to Stonekeep and Templewood. So he gave us the mission to go there and secure it, so the templars don't plan anything nasty. We marched our way to glory, we eventually arrived at the big sentry spot at the crossroads. We found some drunken lad inside there. He mumbled something about a gambling ring doing their evil crimes around here. Of course, I immediately thought of a cunning plan, which was to build a sentry at the crossroads, to strenghen our position in West Altmere as well fighting this gambling ring. I've ordered the men to gather wood and hides, which they did, except two veterans which were rather useless, like taking a stroll instead of getting wood or just loitering around in the way. We eventually built the sentry and soon got attacked by bandits. As a real arcanist, I threw my fires first and asked questions after. However, they were unwilling to answer any questions, but I'm sure they were part of that gambling ring. We got attacked several times, and all of a sudden, the recruit lass I've seen for the first time, started to bleed out of every hole in her face. Our brilliance noticed then immediately, this poor soul was infected with the plague from Yew, so I burned her down for the greater good. Unfortunaly, the other random recruit, started to panick and shouting around we were all infected. He ran around aimlessly, but in the end we were able to catch him. He still kept panicking, yes, even resisted my most mighty spell! Therefor, we burned him down to ashes as well, thinking of it as a tragic accident, or more like, he was also infected, like. We've lost two recruits, but saved a hundred Covians by killing the infected ones and destryoing the gambling ring. *Ilyana rummages for some scetches and grunts* I fear I've lost my scetch book somewhere in Altmere... *signed* Ilyana, Arcanist Corporal OOC: There are unfortunaly not any screenies, as for a long time, it was not clear, whoever goes to report this and my screenie programm wasn't working correctly. |