Title: Membership Roster Post by: Hoagie on December 24, 2010, 12:01:17 pm A large tome lies open on the desk, a quill next to it.
Guild Staff: Guild Chairman: Mr. Campbell Guild Members: The Military Ship rights: Military grade ships and ship weaponry. Inshore anchorage permitted. Willy Bugle Ship rights: A rowboat and not permitted to enter the office again. Inshore anchorage permitted. The Green Goblin & Staff Ship rights: Company-owned, large, lightly armed cargo vessel. Deep water anchorage only. Raven Ship rights: Small, unarmed fishing vessel. Inshore anchorage permitted. Submit applications here. Title: The Green Goblin Post by: Lucas Drachen on January 06, 2011, 08:22:53 am Company Name: The Green Goblin (Tavern and Trade)
Company Owner: Lucas Drachen Captain: Lucas Drachen First Mate: Pending, Goblin Employee Crew: Pending, Goblin Employees Ship Name: The Goblin King Additional Information: Ship possesses Five nine pounders for defensive purposes, Arming and charging such is restricted to The Captain of The ship and any military personel onboard the vessel. Company's Goods: Emergency Food Rations, General supplies, Cannon Munitions (Military sales ONLY), Covian made Beverages, Other goods pending available craftsman. Signed: Lucas Drachen Title: Re: Membership Roster Post by: Raven on January 11, 2011, 05:18:43 pm Name: Rook
Ship type:Small Fishing and Cargo boat. Description of use: To fish around Covian waters, and carry small shipments to and from Cove docks. Title: Re: Membership Roster Post by: Linaeus on January 11, 2011, 10:25:25 pm BOTH Applications approved, with the following stipulations;
The Rook may be operated and moored within the restricted zone of the Bay of Cove, provided that it at no time obstructs the movement of the CMI Octiovus. The Goblin King is to be moored offshore, and brought inshore only for offloading and taking on of cargo. Transfer of personnel is to be carried out by rowboat. |