Title: Mariner's Guild: Now Hiring Post by: Hoagie on December 24, 2010, 01:30:31 pm (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11252267/CoveReports/marinersguild.png) The Covian Mariner's Guild is now hiring! We need experienced workers in a number of areas to ensure the smooth running of operations. Blacksmiths Casting cannons, bracings, attachments, cannon balls, etc. Tailors Production of sails and ropes. Carpenters Crafting and repair of hulls and sails. Cartographers Charting and navigating the seas and foreign lands Fishermen Food gathering and general seafaring expertise. Strong men The loading and unloading of ships. If you have any of these skills, or anything else you think you can provide then don't hesitate to get in touch at the Guild's Head Office. |