Title: Ailric's Quest for Junior Irregular Rank Post by: Cyril on January 03, 2005, 07:41:35 pm Ailric's quest is as follows...
To work his way into Cove, upon which he must find out the tribe which is leading the attack on our home. After discovering this, he is to 'despose' of 10 orc lords silently and without attacking any other orcs, so as to sow dissent and mistrust among them. He must do this in a different location each time, as to allay suspicioun. After this, he is to visibly kill a orc brute alone, taking out any other orcs he wishes at the time, and to bring me a trophy of the brutes ears... Title: Re: Ailric's Quest for Junior Irregular Rank Post by: Gregor Eason on January 04, 2005, 03:20:45 pm A challenging task. Good luck Recruit Ailric!
Title: Re: Ailric's Quest for Junior Irregular Rank Post by: Scarlet Grayner on January 06, 2005, 09:52:42 am Good luck Mr Windsbane...