Title: [Task] The Shire Post by: Leanne Martin on January 01, 2011, 10:49:49 am *Ilyana reads through the past reports and mutters*
(http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/7129/tasky.jpg) Wha' is this?! The hero squad is the only one tha' is allowed to bring chaos! Wha' do these naked lasses think to take our job?! Thi' maybe needs some research... Scouts and aspiring scouts: Ye sneaky gits! I want ye to search the possible hideout of these so called shamans!
Grenadiers and aspiring Grenadiers: These shamans think they're so hot, but they ain't! Make sure that they can not increase their numbers so fast and smash them to the ground, where they belong!
Arcanists and aspiring arcanists: Counting one and one together makes one thought they take their strengh from the circle. We have to ensure if this is so or not.
*signed neatly* Ilyana, Arcanist Corporal Title: Re: [Task] The Shire Post by: Keane Wakefield on January 02, 2011, 03:25:29 pm Corporal, my last visit to the shire, the shamans have left the area.
Signed Keane Wakefield Title: Re: [Task] The Shire Post by: Leanne Martin on January 02, 2011, 05:45:16 pm Corporal, I hate to disagree with Cadet Wakefield, but it doesn't seem like these shamans will leave so early.
I spotted several of them in the shire, so I continued to look out for anything worth notable. Still that bloody wytchery circle lays on the ground, however, more interesting is that I found a wooden box nearly the pond. It's content was a single lantern inscribed with the letters FD. I tried to take it with me, but that lantern had some abnormly weight, way over 200 stones. However, I was not able to find any camp or like that. It seems they are sleeping under the bare moon. My conclusion is, that this lass or lad with the initials FD is behind the showing of those shamans. (http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/5283/leannesximages5.jpg) *signed* Leanne Melior, Guardsman Recruit |