Title: [Note] Unauthorized ships Post by: Leanne Martin on January 03, 2011, 06:31:42 pm To the people of Cove,
All unauthorized ships are asked to leave the Covian bay AT ONCE! This includes especially the following two vessels:
These ships are blocking the way for the Covian Flagship. Therefor, if the ships should not be removed within the next days, they'll be sunk down to the ground! *signed neatly Ilyana, Arcanist Corporal Title: Re: [Note] Unauthorized ships Post by: Keane Wakefield on January 04, 2011, 09:05:11 pm Be advised, " the shade" has been removed from covian waters.
Title: Re: [Note] Unauthorized ships Post by: Leanne Martin on January 08, 2011, 03:23:31 pm Be it known, that if the unauthorized ships and vessels should not leave the bay until this evening, the 8th January, they will be bombarded. Either show thy merchant license or leave the bay!
Ilyana, Arcanist Corporal PS: Simply piloting the ship a bit away from the docks is not enough, this especially counts to the Riptide Trading Cog and the Goblin King. To prevent any damage, leave the secured area of the bay! Title: Re: [Note] Unauthorized ships Post by: Lucas Drachen on January 11, 2011, 04:18:53 pm To: The Covian Military.
Concerning: The Goblin King The Goblin King is a Covian Trade Vessel responsible for the transport and safety of Covian Goods. It is registered and is required to be docked in Cove so that it may be used when needed. If said ship is bombarded in any way, I can assure you I will make each soldier responsible for it very sorry. Your notice is appreciated... but in all fairness do not threaten to demolish my property when it is used to keep Cove's economy flowing. Hope to see you all in The Goblin soon for a pint. Signed, Lucas Drachen P.S. This of course is no threat to you love, As I know you wouldn't knowingly damage my ship. Just make sure the others know who The Goblin King belongs to. |