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Element boards => Citizen Board => Topic started by: Lucas Drachen on January 06, 2011, 08:48:39 am

Title: The Green Goblin Menu and Room Prices.
Post by: Lucas Drachen on January 06, 2011, 08:48:39 am

Goblin Stout: 10 Gold
Vesperian Ale: 20 Gold
Nujelmian'ale'o'da'sheet: 15 Gold
Minocian Pale: 20 Gold


Baron's 1st Whiskey: 40 Gold
Greystone Select: 20 Gold
Vesperian Whiskey: 30 Gold
Buccaneer's Brandy: 50 Gold
Bathtub Whiskey: 20 Gold


Vesperian Vodka: 30 Gold
"Where's The" Rum: 40 Gold
Swamp Water Gin: 20 Gold
Nujelmian Tequila: 30 Gold


Yewish Wine: 20 Gold
Virgin Toe Wine: 40 Gold
Panda White: 30 Gold
Richtor Red: 20 Gold
Green Snake: 2000 Gold


Water: Free
Milk: 5 Gold
Apple Cider: 5 Gold

Goblin Exclusives

Valentine Rulk: 20 Gold
Grenadier Bomb: 40 Gold
Death in a Bottle: 80 Gold

Room Prices(when available)

The Price for renting a room in The Goblin is 500 Gold per person per day.