Title: Proving Your Worth, Making the arms have meaning (-COMPLETE-) Post by: Lucas Drachen on January 17, 2011, 11:30:18 am Not to be one to take something without giving something back, I feel it necessary for me to accept my new rank only after proving to my fellow covians that I deserve this honourable position. To that end even though I was not asked to do this... I shall prove my worth by undertaking three trials. I have chosen these trials from the tasks given to three of Cove's Grenadier Sergeants. As I feel if I cannot accomplish what Cove's greats have, Then I do not deserve these arms. The three trials I have chosen are as follow.....
(http://grenadiers.sugeworld.com/Images/balron6tr.jpg) "Erik Arkay Bravely battling The Balron" (http://grenadiers.sugeworld.com/Images/uo00264ft.jpg) "Raiden stands over an Ice Fiend Victoriously" http://cove.sugeworld.com/forum/index.php/topic,13867.0.html (http://cove.sugeworld.com/forum/index.php/topic,13867.0.html) "See above report for danger level" After I accomplish these three tasks I shall feel capable of wearing these arms proudly. However as a service to Cove and it's people I shall arrange something else as an act of kindness and loyalty to The Baronship. Though I cannot set a date till signups are recieved, I shall Host.... The 22nd Arms Master Tournament! Not Held in years we shall bring back the tournament that Cove is so infamous for! To give soldiers and citizens alike the chance to stand amongst The Great Champions such as... Hoagie Grayner, Raiden Morana, Edward, and Joey Lenai I hope my choice to prove myself means much to all of you in Cove, I do this not for myself but for all of you. FOR COVE!!! Signed, Lucas Drachen, Soldier Title: Re: Proving Your Worth, Making the arms have meaning Post by: Lucas Drachen on January 20, 2011, 02:57:16 am The Jaws of The Balron
Leading: Lucas Drachen, Junior Grenadier Attending: Torrak Keres, Commander Hayden Shephard, Watchman Sergio Jarret, Regular Scout Mohawkacruit(Atrus), Guardsman Recruit Railen, Watchman The Task: Getting Started on my quest to prove myself worthy of these arms, I led a reckless and spontaneous quest into Hythloth to retrieve The jaws of The Balron within. Fighting through the masses of Hellhounds, Imps, and Gargoyles. We finally located the creature. It seemed eager to end us, But after sizing it up we were able to thrash the demon in a fury of blows and insults! (http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/1535/baljaw.jpg) "We attempted to carry the whole thing out....but opted for just the jaws" The Aftermath: Once we had the jaw we regrouped outside of The Dungeon. After giving Jarret a swift Grenakick into the Water...where he allegedly began swimming back....Rumours say he was picked up by a fishing boat and brought home after getting stuck in their net.... (http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/9932/jawwe.jpg) "Jewelry fit for a Grenadier" The Result: In The End we did not come home with very much gold for the coffers. As the continues flow of enemies towards us kept us too focused on survival to worry about riches. Tho all the gold (short of 5 to remove Mohawk's Mohawk) went to the coffers. (http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/7681/jawgld.jpg) "Balron's, Nature's pickpocket" Signed, Lucas Drachen, Junior Grenadier Title: Re: Proving Your Worth, Making the arms have meaning Post by: Lucas Drachen on January 20, 2011, 11:46:04 pm Slaying The Ice Fiends
Leading: Lucas Drachen, Junior Grenadier Attending: Ilyana, Arcanist Corporal Nicholi, Regular Guardsman Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Guardsman Recruit Orceater, Goat (Deceased....yet again) The Task: Getting those available for the next part of my trials. I led a small (But Brave) group of soldiers into The Dungeon of Ice to seek out The Ice Fiends that dwelled within. Following The Footsteps of Raiden Morana we setoff into the icy tomb. Within we did battle against many cold hearted creatures, Elementals made of Snow and Ice, Ogres and Trolls with frozen skin, and snakes and slimes. Sadly Orceater was taken from us shortly after entering the dungeon, He died whilst gnawing on a jam covered ratman. The numbers of creatures were intense and it took us some time to make our way to The Fiend's Den. Upon Entering we were given no time to plan, as a Fiend waited right at the entrance! (http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/8829/ifiend1.jpg) "Raiden isn't the only one who can stand victoriously over a Fiend!" The Result: We Killed Five of The Beasts total, After collecting four of their claws we returned to Cove victoriously. Tho The Gold wasn't documented, Six thousand coins were put into The Army Coffers. (http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/9019/ifiend2.jpg) "Four of a kind always beats a pair" Signed, Lucas Drachen, Junior Grenadier Title: Re: Proving Your Worth, Making the arms have meaning Post by: Lucas Drachen on January 30, 2011, 11:44:22 pm A somewhat safe jog through Karnaugh
Leading: Lucas Drachen, Junior Grenadier Attending: Ilyana, Arcanist Corporal Torrak Keres, Commander Keane Wakefield, Officer Cadet Alfred Bohr, Guardsman Recruit Sergio Jarret, Regular Scout Thomas Aylmer, Junior Arcanist Leander Le Blanc, Junior Guardsman Veronica Tillian, Guardsman Recruit Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Guardsman Recruit The Task: Heading straight from Parade, The Army in it's Glory took off to The Pass of Karnaugh to trounce through it's dangerous passageways. Travelling through the forests to the western entrance we faced many creatures. Titans and Golden Ettins being the brunt of it, As well as one Demon Tree. We soon approached the entrance to The Fortress of Karnaugh. (http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/8660/karn1.jpg) "The Entrance is not as guarded as it once was" The Army smashed through Karnaugh with more ease than we once did. Teamwork was well inspired. Because they would be shot if they didn't work together. Suffering only a few injuries, a recruit with a stubbed toe and a Scout with nausea. We made it through The Fortress without a single soldier losing ONE piece of equipment. (http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/6457/karn2l.jpg) "Likeling the only sketch you will see Post Karnaugh where everyone is still in uniform" Satisfied with our successful Exit. We assumed The Infamous "Covian Diamond" formation before hoofing it back to The Compassion Moongate and returns to Cove. (http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/9944/karn3.jpg) "Slightly Less Infamous Then The Smiley Formation" The Result: Gold: 50,000 Deaths: 0 Injuries: 1 Stubbed Toe, 1 Case of The Squirts(Keane) Signed, Lucas Drachen, Junior Grenadier |