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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Railen Morana on January 21, 2011, 07:57:31 am

Title: [Report] Late night Patrol on the Orc Fort where they grow em big.
Post by: Railen Morana on January 21, 2011, 07:57:31 am
In Attendance:
Railen Morana: Watchman and Cheif Instigator
Cal`lain Cul`gnir: Pointy eared recruit
Lucas Drachen:pain in theGrenadier and Illistrationist

The patrol started well. We fought back the first few orcs with ease- the scout being no match for us. Then we spied one huge orc..tall as the barracks. We set upon it as it set upon us. Must have recognized a nice tender Recruit in our midst, for it set on him first.
Next we proceeded to the entrance and a FLOOD of orcs came runnin after I made faces at them. (http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/5935/rp2p.jpg) We held them back at their gates taking them down one at a time. This time, the gruntee let Lucas and I take the lickin, so he could keep on tickin. TWO giant orcs tried to eat us, but we kept jabbin em in the toe til they fell over. (http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/4683/rp3y.jpg)  Next we entered into their fort and layed em out in fine Covian fashion
(http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/3864/rp4nb.jpg)  This just angered them further, and four more giants were sent our way. We slayed each in turn, until I slipped in the blood.

No sooner was I standing than the recruit slipped in the same slippery blood and mud patch.
We fought our way out the other side and ended up on the docks to catch our breath.

We force marched it back to the barracks. On the way back I saw at least two more of the Brutes.  We pooled the gold which totaled 12398.


 It is this Watchmans opinion that we have more regular patrols to the Orc Fort to keep the population from growing HUGE.

~Signed neatly
Railen Morana