Title: [Report] Wild dragon sighted near Covetous Post by: Calain on January 23, 2011, 07:36:14 am Wild dragon sighted near Covetous.
January 23. 2011 E.V. Purpose:To remove the threat to the general populace in the area. Attending: Lucas Drachen Junior Grenadier Cal'ain Cui'gnir Guardsman Recruit After having been informed by Rachel Bingo that a wild genuine dragon had been sighted near Covetous we went to investigate and kill this disturber of the peace. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y58/Miguen/Ultima%20Online/Dwagonkilly.jpg) It was quickly brought low as can be seen in the doodle above. But only after one initial incident of this recruit being made into a torch by the aforementioned giant flying rat. Signed by my hand. Cal'ain. |