Title: [Report] Odd obelisk found. Post by: Calain on January 24, 2011, 11:20:48 pm On this day Monday 24th januarii.
I Cal'ain went for a stroll through the woods south eastish of Cove Town. East a way of the cemetary in woods, I chanced on this most odd thing, as can be seen in the doodle I have included. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y58/Miguen/Ultima%20Online/circly.jpg) It appears to be defaced or corrupted arcane circle of elven design, with an obelisk on it that has some rather disturbing markings on it. One would suggest that someone schooled in magic or such things take a look at it, cause I have no clue what it is. Signed on this day, by My Hand. Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Guardsman recruit. |