Title: Dear Bersi Post by: Jassi Cowin on February 14, 2011, 05:06:54 pm Your house JUST went bye-bye, I tried to save what I could, there were like 10 people there and they got most of the important deco and such but they got your damn runebooks before I could get to them, also, I had a lot of your stuff but some asshole had my beetle killed when I left it unattended by accident.. Cal and I got what we could that was left over....
Title: Re: Dear Bersi Post by: Celuvian on February 16, 2011, 05:51:45 am Bersi will not be coming back afaik :-[
Title: Re: Dear Bersi Post by: Leanne Martin on February 16, 2011, 08:55:08 pm He will. LOTRO has the effect of getting boring after a year or two. Besides, with all the subliminal messages from me and Lucas towards him, it'll be only a matter of time