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Guardsman Boards => Light Company Board => Topic started by: Lucas Drachen on February 16, 2011, 04:49:26 pm

Title: Covian Security ~ The Trading Company
Post by: Lucas Drachen on February 16, 2011, 04:49:26 pm
"Hmmm Looks like there are tensions lately between New Hope and The Trading Company...Bullocks if I give a damn if they kill each other...But sadly we're right in the middle of them if they decide to start a bloody war. As a Grenadier the security and well being of Cove is a top priority. Therefore I am handing these orders over to The Scouts."

Travel to Vesper and aquire as much information as you can pertaining to any aggressions between New Hope and The Trade Company. Go in disguise or sneak to gather information so as not to cause any suspicioun. Report any information you obtain here.

"This is a high priority mission and we'd like it done ASAP. So we know whether or not to prepare ourselves to be caught in the middle of this, Last thing we need is them having it out within our borders or our Bay"

Lucas Drachen, Officer Cadet

Title: Re: Covian Security ~ The Trading Company
Post by: Leanne Martin on March 21, 2011, 01:23:15 pm
Officer Drachen,

long you needed to wait for a report. I gathered many informations during the past month and did find out the following...

  • The Trading Company had their conflicts with New Hope, but before real conflicts started, the Silver Dawn had made a peace treatment with them
  • After that, Vesper had a few clinches with the Moonglow Navy, as I heard, they were blocking the merchant route of the Company

However, due to some informations that slipped through, the Company seems to start a war now with our allies, the Guardsman Militia. The Company ship was on their route to sell suspicious stuff, to where, I do not know. However, they got stopped by a Militia ship and they are currently inspecting the Company's load. It'll be only a matter of time until a war starts between them, and if they choose to make it on land, we will be once more in the middle of both.


Leanne Melior, Watchman