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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Lucas Drachen on February 22, 2011, 03:21:49 am

Title: *Left on The officer's desk* "Attack on Covian Soil"
Post by: Lucas Drachen on February 22, 2011, 03:21:49 am
To Army Command,

This evening I was sitting in The Goblin when I heard fighting from the east. When I went to investigate I encountered Rebecca from Vesper and Hedlyn from where I am unsure. Upon questioning them on what I heard they admitted to attacking Rachael Bingo in Cove near The Arcanist's HQ. Before I could question them more they took off, as I was worried about Ms Bingo I allowed them to escape to check on her well being.

I found Ms Bingo in the Goblin, beaten and bloody. I tended to her wounds and questioned her on the whole attack. The scuffle was started by Rebecca, Hedlyn assisted her. The attack was done on Covian Soil and I await orders on how to deal with this.

Gabriel Drachen, Junior Guardsman

Title: Re: *Left on The officer's desk* "Attack on Covian Soil"
Post by: Leanne Martin on February 22, 2011, 05:25:30 pm
*Ilyana reads over the report and scratches chin thoughtfully*

This might have been a payback for the witnessing of Ms. Bingo against that Quinn guy. However, it is a known fact that Rebecca is mindless whore always running into trouble. We must strenghen our defenses inside Cove itself for now. I shall discuss with Commander Keres about our next move. Good work, Gabe!

Ilyana Drachen, Arcanist Corporal

Title: Re: *Left on The officer's desk* "Attack on Covian Soil"
Post by: Leanne Martin on February 23, 2011, 09:15:36 am
*a few more notes have been scribbled below*

It seems, Rebecca attacked Rachael on some personal reasons and now said, that they're quit. However, foreigners who are attacking Covians on our grounds, are to be treated as enemies. If the two individuals Rebecca and Hedlyn should show up inside Covian borders, escort them out. If they refuse to leave, you are granted to use force and arresting them.

Ilyana Drachen, Arcanist Corporal