Title: Espionage mission Trial Post by: Sergio on March 03, 2011, 03:12:48 pm In attendance:
Sergio Jarrett Regular Scout Ilyana Regular Arcanist Keitaro Kazumi Regular Grenadier Marcus Kobra Regular Guardsman *Buried Under a mass of paperwork* The mission was simple gather information from a source that knew about a plot to Assassinate prominent people in Cove and Stop the assassin before harm came to anyone. The source we needed to find was in Jhelom and was uncooperative at first and it didn't help help that keitaro was fighting my style of interrogation at every step. After a long drawn out process due to horrible misunderstandings about who was actually in charge I finally got the information. The assassin was staying in the lighthouse in covetown A quick raid later I found the Assassination list A hidden knife in a boot and the employers Moniker of "Mister D" who the Assassin claim to be her cat. We quickly locked her away and I am going to follow up on this. (http://oi53.tinypic.com/35d42mb.jpg) *Signed* Sergio Jarrett Regular Scout Title: Re: Espionage mission Trial Post by: Lucas Drachen on March 03, 2011, 03:55:55 pm (http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/3790/valseal.jpg)
Title: Re: Espionage mission Trial Post by: Marcus Kobra on March 04, 2011, 12:25:58 am How in gods name am I in this?! How old must this one be lol. I mean its been months since I "retired." or whatever cute colloquialism we are calling it. I hope this was not something I was to report on. . . .I do appologize if so! Oh and do remeber my ICQ is open to anyone who needs me. Please just make certain you phrase it as a request, I've found I get right pissed when ordered to do anything.
Title: Re: Espionage mission Trial Post by: Sergio on March 04, 2011, 05:36:16 pm It is indeed old but I've been really busy/lazy and then the box with the pictures got replaced so I had to paint it up.