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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Aliryl on March 05, 2011, 03:59:39 pm

Title: Hello all
Post by: Aliryl on March 05, 2011, 03:59:39 pm
Hi all,

Just thought I'd give a quick wave to you all here and let you know I'm still thinking of Cove etc.  Been having lots of fun rping in LOTRO and even got my own Kinship now.

Good to see things are still going strong here and how typical is it they decide to bring out something to make sea travel worthwhile.  They should of done that years ago instead of Necros and Paladins, might of kept more people active. 

I'm sometimes on icq if anyone wants to chat.

*gives waves and hugs to special people like Kas*

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Celuvian on March 05, 2011, 04:44:48 pm
Heya, good to see you online there, yea Cove is still kicking, tho not as strong, but a kick is a kick....(see what I did there)

Hehe, yea I hear theres lots of rp etc in Lotro, but Lotro isnt UO so pfft:P

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Linaeus on March 05, 2011, 05:45:06 pm
As Covian custom dictates; LOTRO, like Canada, does not exist.  ;D

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Marcus Kobra on March 05, 2011, 08:14:26 pm
Rawr! You should come back! Cove needs people (I say this even as I sit just beyond her gates as an unclaimed blue *Whistles innocent like*)

I also play LOTRO about as much as UO. Anyways. Comes back to Cove! Its better!

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Sergio on March 06, 2011, 08:59:02 am
I could have sworn we believed in Canada, because that's where Bioware is from.

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Atrus Kien on March 06, 2011, 12:56:26 pm
Canada is a myth made by parents to scare little boys and girls who do bad things

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Leander on March 06, 2011, 04:09:41 pm
Hi Aliryl! Glad to hear life is good, don't be a stranger and come back some day.  ;)

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Kas Valentine on March 08, 2011, 02:47:01 am

Howdy stranger, glad to hear you're doing well.

But aside from that.....

Obey the call, return to the fold !

Lord of the Rings is clearly inferior, doesn't even have mongbats. ::)

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Calain on March 08, 2011, 03:59:30 am
Ofcourse Lotro is inferior! There are no Pies there either!!
and everyone knows pie is superior and makes everything it touches into a heightened condition of Win.

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Aliryl on March 08, 2011, 08:03:14 am
Never done the pie quests in Hobbiton then.. Hrmmm.  There's no mongbats but there's Neeker Breekers.

If my laptop wasn't too superior for UO then I'd reinstal it but unfortunatly it doesn't play so well on a 17.5" widescreen.  And Mikey has the PC in his room now, so can't go there playing on it. 

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Sergio on March 08, 2011, 08:17:46 am
LoTRO doesn't have Kas or buttons nuff said, and I play UO on an amped up Box with a 26" flat screen and play in a window mode with ICQ off to the side takes a bit of getting used to but the point is you can adjust resolution and UO will look fine.

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Linaeus on March 08, 2011, 01:23:21 pm
I played it on a big widescreen up until last summer as well. Now I play it on a tiny widescreen laptop.

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Keane Wakefield on March 08, 2011, 08:12:51 pm
LOTR doesn't have blue elves!

Title: Re: Hello all
Post by: Kas Valentine on March 09, 2011, 12:42:08 am
If my laptop wasn't too superior for UO then I'd reinstal it but unfortunatly it doesn't play so well on a 17.5" widescreen.  And Mikey has the PC in his room now, so can't go there playing on it.

Excuses excuses !

I mean it doesn't even make sense, s'like....

"My Ferrari is too superior to drive to the supermarket in; so for the last two weeks I've been starving myself to death"

You crazy Tolkien infected adventurer you.

Come on back ! (http://undergroundfreakz.com/s/contrib/unknown/face80.gif)