Title: [Report] Orcish Warboss spotted! Post by: Leanne Martin on April 10, 2011, 10:04:01 am As my cousine led a patrol to the Covian Orc Fort yesterday eve, I decided to do the same in Yew. And what I have found could not be more of rarity. The Orcish Warboss was in the little Fort, and yet, I also found a few notes of the Orcs which I copied. It seems they're ready to attack Cove, as well as Yew. Perhaps we should inform Stonekeep as well?
I shot a few arrows at the Warboss, but it's minions and own strengh made me to fall back. (http://i54.tinypic.com/vf8ugp.jpg) Leanne Melior, Watchman |