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Command Boards => Citizen Announcements Board => Topic started by: Lucas Drachen on April 20, 2011, 07:41:30 am

Title: [PR] Covian Savings and Loan
Post by: Lucas Drachen on April 20, 2011, 07:41:30 am
What is it?
The Covian Savings and Loan(S&L), Are the company in Cove who handle the economy within Cove. The Office controls the flow of Silver within the town. Offering Citizens and Soldiers alike the option of keeping their silver in accounts. This allows Covians to travel without having to keep Silver on them at all times and also makes sales within Cove much easier.

How do I use it?
In order to setup an account a citizen needs only contact The S&L Officer who will then ask for a deposit to open the account. The accounts will not be touched by The Office and will have no fees. The account holder can then use his account to make payments instead of having to carry around Silver all the time, Through the use of Promissory Notes.

What is a Promissory Note?
A Promissory note is simple a piece of paper with the amount owed and the account holder's name written on it.(a post under The Savings and Loan "Payment" thread). If the person being paid also holds an account then the silver will be transferred over as soon as possible, Otherwise the paid individual will have to wait to meet with The S&L Officer in order to receive their Silver.

Do I have to have an account?
No you do not, However having one will allow you to make and receive Payments much quicker.

Can I write a note for more than I actually have?
You can, However putting your account in the negative will mean you Owe The Savings and Loan silver. The S&L Officer will then do whatever he can in his power to collect the debt and may even request interest.