Title: Dragons of Destard Post by: Regdar Le Faye on June 29, 2005, 04:32:32 pm Time- Around 2pm
Date- 29/6/05 Event- Dungeon hunt Led by- Watchamn Regdar (me) Attended by- Watchamn Joey Lanai Guardswoman recruit Ysabelle Guardsman recruit Judas Deibau I was sat around the barracks dying of boredom when Recruit Ysabelle suggested we do something useful. I suggested a local patrol but of course like all recruits she wanted something a little more on the dangerous side. She said Why don't we travell to the dungeon destard?. I replied are you crazy women?!? She did of course persuade me into leading a hunt into the dpeths of the dungeon and i asked all available guardsmen to report to barracks. Corporal arc came and created one of majick doe-hickies and we were on our way. (http://img162.echo.cx/img162/9002/13hs.png) upoon arrival I told the guardsmen to enter the dungeon and to slay all the beasts that dare challenge our might; (http://img266.echo.cx/img266/4081/21jx.png) We then started progressing our way through the destardly dungeon only to find more and more beasts. (http://img102.echo.cx/img102/2452/40gq.png) We then came upon a hole and entered it only to find a black dragon!!! Most of us got knocked down including myself (http://img109.echo.cx/img109/2097/59wq.png) After being helped up by Ysabelle, I asked how we were to get home. To my surprise a gate appeared from Ysabelles majicks book and we set off home... (http://img28.echo.cx/img28/462/64ud.png) We collected over 9000 gold pieces Watchman joey lanai gave his share (2,500gp) to the militia coffers I also gave my share (4070gp) to the militia coffers aswell *signed* Watchman Regdar Title: Re: Dragons of Destard Post by: Regdar Le Faye on June 30, 2005, 11:51:11 am Open to comments *Smiles*
Title: Re: Dragons of Destard Post by: Shadwell on June 30, 2005, 12:39:31 pm Hm.. Clearly Regdar your reports are showing progress! Getting better and better!
Also quite an adventure. Keep it up. Title: Re: Dragons of Destard Post by: Regdar Le Faye on June 30, 2005, 01:29:53 pm Aye sir,
A hard adventure, maybe i shall pick somewhere a bit easier for my next hunt... |