Title: [Report]The Sleepwalker Post by: Jassi Cowin on June 03, 2011, 08:59:01 am So I probably should have made a report on this sometime back, this was an idea I got from one of our barmaids. It is a little training exercise and hunt that I now call the Sleepwalker, an idea that I got from one of our barmaids where someone walks around the most dangerous parts of Cove randomly, they can go wherever they want, not just Cove. It is up to the other guardsmen to keep them alive and healed, if they fall, the training is failed.
Led by: Jassi Cowin, Junior Attended: Ilyana Drachen, Arcanist Corporal Cal'ain Cug'nir, Watchman The other guardsmen succeeded in keeping me all healed and protected as I walked through the graveyard where they had to fight all the undead and a lich, Covetous and the deserts across from Altmere. I will be doing this exercise again in the future with more guardsmen, ones who could perhaps use the training.. I lost all my paintings to this training.. No gold was gathered. *signed* Jassi Cowin Title: Re: [Report]The Sleepwalker Post by: Gregor Eason on June 08, 2011, 07:54:11 am Sounds like a useful Force Protection exercise, Junior Cowin! Well done!
Gregor Eason Senior Guardsman, Covian Army |