Title: Yewish Battle Drill Post by: Gregor Eason on June 13, 2011, 02:48:24 pm Attendance List
Senior Guardsman Gregor Eason (Co-organiser) Senior Arcanist Kas Valentine Junior Guardsman Jassi Cowin Watchman Cal'ain Cui'gnir Guardsman Recruit Aleri Briggs Last Thursday eve... (9/06/11) I took a group of guardsmen from Cove to train with the renowned Guardsmen Militia of Yew. I had liasied with recently promoted Sergeant Tommy Nottinbury ( a good chap), who was keen on a joint training event with Covian guardsmen. Sergeant Nottinbury was, as agreed, incharge of this event with the promise of us returning the favour in a Covian hosted joint training event in the future. The training included a game of British Bulldog, some small skirmish campaigns, a doubles tournament and a Last Man Standing event. The training was useful, and gave all attending guardsmen an insight into the Yewish method of combat. Sketches (http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-train1.jpg) Covians consider the intentions of the Guardsmen Militia. (http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-train2.jpg) Covians arrive in Stonekeep! (http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-train3.jpg) Whilst Yew guardsmen do press ups the Covian guardsmen perform a special ballad. (http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-train4.jpg) Junior Cowin, the first to fall in British Bulldog. However, Cowin was the Winner of the Last Man Standing. Bravo! (http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-train5.jpg) Eason poses for a victorious hit! (http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-train6.jpg) Cowin dominates. Gregor Eason Senior Guardsman, Covian Army |