Title: [Report] Subjugation of Shadow Post by: Kas Valentine on June 15, 2011, 04:53:59 am Led by;
Ilyana Drachen, Arcanist Corporal. Attended by; Kas Valentine, Senior Arcanist. Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Watchman. Mrs Drachen was overcome with the spirit of excitement yesterday and decided to lead the first available guardsmen, myself and Cal'ain, into the depths of the Underworld to search out a very specific challenge. She had come to understand that an arch-mage known only as Tyball's Shadow (doubtless on account of his dark and transparent appearance) used the place as his sanctuary. We immediately threw in our respective lots and let Mrs Drachen know we would see her wishes to their end, whatever they may be. With the use of a portal we soon found ourselves scurrying through the ancient corridors which led down to Underworld. We had to wade through families of rotworms, recklessly aggressive water elementals and circumvent a puzzle consisting of a collapsed pathway and a series of teleporters, but eventually we reached our destination; the sanctum of shadow. Mrs Drachen had us rest up while she went over the strategy we would be using against Tyball. Quite simply she would provide the distraction and utilise her magical prowess to stay alive while 'Cal and myself did our best to pepper the target with blows. Once we were all in agreement about this plan of action we approached the crimson tinted portal and stepped through to Tyball's lair, a marble platform which appeared to hover over the void itself. We had no time to look in wonder at the sights, since our foe immediately zeroed in on Ilyana and took off in pursuit. 'Cal and I took on the previously assigned roles of raw fire-power and the fight progressed slowly but surely in our favour. At seperate intervals both Ilyana and 'Cal were knocked off their feet but each rallied beautifully to prove to Tyball that it would take far more than that to deter Cove from victory. After a brief retreat to allow 'Cal to scrounge some extra ammunition from passing adventurers we burst back into the lair and put Tyball, or his shadow, down once and for all. One or two scenes from the outing are depicted in sketch form below. (http://bunglestuff.com/images/Ilyana.png) Having ransacked the lair of treasures, a magical robe of exquisite fabric and roughly eight thousand gold coins, we returned to the barracks to enjoy our well earned rest. As I recall both Ilyana and 'Cal donated their sums of two thousand seven hundred gold coin to the coffers. I, on the other hand, took my pay as my own. All in all it was a very successful excursion and will doubtless spread the word of Cove's might far and wide. Mrs Drachen provided excellent leadership and Cal'ain is shaping up to be a true asset to the Baronship. Signed with an ink that twinkles when it catches the light, Senior Arcanist Kas Valentine. Title: Re: [Report] Subjugation of Shadow Post by: Leanne Martin on June 15, 2011, 06:03:34 am Decent report, Kas! The creature to defeat us three in a team must first be born!
Ilyana Drachen, Arcanist Corporal *A guardsman duty has been awarded to all in attendance* |