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In Character Boards => Old Announcements => Topic started by: Octiovus on June 30, 2005, 05:48:11 pm

Title: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Octiovus on June 30, 2005, 05:48:11 pm
That's right chaps, time to earn yourself some new people to boss around as well as line your pockets with my gold! ;)

The rules are as follows :

Getting a new PLAYER (New characters of existing members DO NOT count) into the Baronship will give you TEN Points.

Leading a recruitment parade to one or more towns will earn the leader FIVE points, and all who go along on the parade will earn a point each. (You can only claim the points if you post a report below)

Making recruitment stands, or placing Baronship recruitment books will be worth from ONE to FIVE points depending on the quality of the report posted below.

The prizes :

The winner at the end of the month will recieve 1 Million gold.

EVERYONE who recruits a new player into the Baronship will recieve 100,000 gold.

If we get to 200 members according to MyUO, I will introduce a new militia squad, and thus more command spaces will be up for grabs.

How to claim your points :

Post all reports related to the contest IN THIS THREAD.

To claim the points for recuiting someone, contact myself via ICQ when you have them with you, I shall guild them and you shall recieve your points and gold.


Happy hunting!


Ahmed - 54
Calico Kate - 20
Lestat - 20
Jevonia - 20
Judas - 10
Anari - 5
Regdar - 4

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Regdar Le Faye on July 01, 2005, 10:06:52 am
As a cold wind swept Cove a pigeon flew to me with a message from our Baron, with some extrodainary news about prize money.
After hearing the news I thought I would try to win the prize, so i wrote some posters (http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5020/recruit26bs.png)
and set off to minoc moongate (since it is the closest) and started placing posters from there on.

I placed posters at these moongates(in order) : Minoc, Moonglow, Britain, Jhelom, Yew, Trinsic, skara Brae, Magincia and haven;

After finishing with the moongates headed over to Britain and started laying down more posters and handing them out to people.

After all this hard work i thought I should go back to barracks and rest...

I hope this report brings you satisfaction in reading it and also i hope my work today will inspire people to join our ranks...

Watchman Regdar

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Octiovus on July 01, 2005, 04:44:31 pm
Four points awarded.

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Gregory on July 03, 2005, 03:50:33 pm
It was Elisabeth who recruited me At brit bank.

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Hrothgar on July 03, 2005, 05:35:13 pm
Elisabeth = Calico

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Calico on July 03, 2005, 07:30:08 pm
*a small note pinted to the board in very presice handwriting*

I'm not exactly sure how to start.  I'm a fairly new citizen myself.

The nigth before I was in the city of Britian, they have the very best tailor shopps you see and I was picking out some new cloth.  The main market is alwayes so full of hustle and bustle I took a bit of time to buy a few other thigns I needed and happened to see one lad who was looking for a milita to join.  After chatting with him a bit I learned his name was Veshnon. 

Now I am not a fighting woman and don't have much of an idea of how the milita works, I told him I thought the Baronship was a good enough thing.  Apparently that satasfied him for he set off at once to Cove.

Another fellow, over hearing my words with the first asked enquirenly if Cove was a nice place to settle.  Again I told him that I found it well enough and that I'd just reacently re-located to live there myself.  I belive Gregory Greysky was this second man.

Later that night, once I was back home from my shopping excursion and back to putting our new home in order I saw, out the dinning room window, both theses men with Tiberius headed towards the barracks.

I do hope that all goes well with this.

*signed smartly*


Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Octiovus on July 03, 2005, 09:52:18 pm
10 Points awarded.

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Octiovus on July 06, 2005, 09:50:20 pm
500,000 given away in prizes so far, people!

Don't let up! Keep on recruiting, work for that gold, and remember, if we get to 200 members according to myUO we will be introducing a new militia squad!

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Ahmed on July 09, 2005, 05:36:32 pm


Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Regdar Le Faye on July 09, 2005, 05:41:04 pm
i haven't got my points for recruiting blade yet

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Regdar Le Faye on July 09, 2005, 06:28:50 pm
Look, I recruited Blade A.K.A Danlow stonelake

Title: Recruit Number 2!
Post by: Ahmed on July 12, 2005, 01:33:11 pm

20 Points and...*coughs* 200k *coughs*...since I  *coughs* didn't get paid yet *coughs*  :D

Title: Third Recruit!!
Post by: Ahmed on July 17, 2005, 01:33:51 am

Recruit numero trois, 30 points, 300k! Where's my money?!

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Octiovus on July 17, 2005, 09:12:37 am
And Ahmed takes the lead!

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Gregory on July 17, 2005, 12:51:22 pm
Twas a bright and sunny day, and Grenadier Greystone didn't want us guardsman sittin around and wastin it so he yelled at us to huddle up outside the barracks. After a hard march towards the moongate we gathered in haven to show our might and entice the locals into joining the baronship. We had to meeet a local carpenter there and after a quickparad through we were going to head off to britain. (http://img322.imageshack.us/img322/8909/carp22zn.png)

Once we arrived in brit Ryan ordered ahmed to write some flyers up and distribute them about and for the rest of us to set up the recruiting station.

After a long day of a lot of set backs I'm not to sure we got any recruits but there was much interest ant we spread the name of the baronship well.


Guardsmen attending :
Ryan Greystone Regular Grenadier
Gregory Grayskye Guardsman recruit
Nashiem De'Monti Junior Guardsman
Kal Shadowhand Junior Scout
Ahmel Al Mak'toum Junior Grenadier
Jevonia Guardsman recruit
Kurt Guardsmen recruit
Signed Gregory Grayskye

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Ahmed on July 17, 2005, 02:47:28 pm
Around three in the afternoon, just finished off a hunt, no one else around....so why not eh? *smirks*.

Took me bloodi' ages to get the posters up. First of all, I write at a funny angle, so I bloodi' smudged half of them. Second, i'm a guardsman, not a writer. But nevertheless, I got it done. I wrote around twenty five of them in total, but I kept some for later, since I frankly couldn't be arsed to write any more *grins*.

I used the moon...sun...sky....portal...gate...thing to get to all of the other cities. I placed a poster at each portal located in the outskirts of the nine cities.


Once this was done, I ran to the most popular banks (by my liking) and placed a poster there.



Then travelling to the city of light, placing the final posters. Hopefully whoever find them are -somewhat- better than the bloodi' muppets we got now eh? *smirks*.


Ahmed Al Maktoum,
Junior Grenadier

[OOC] Pretty damn tired but got it done anyway  :D [/OOC]

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Ahmed on July 18, 2005, 04:31:05 pm

Fourth one  :D

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Cin Hawkins on July 18, 2005, 10:08:45 pm
So can i start to get some points?

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Ahmed on July 18, 2005, 10:11:42 pm

*Gasps* Number Five!

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Nashiem De'Monti on July 19, 2005, 01:45:55 am
Ahmed ... hasnt the Baron told you that Command aren't eligible for the money? *shrugs*

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Ahmed on July 19, 2005, 02:19:46 am
Another day, another recruitment conquest *grins*. Same deal as before and all, hopefully it drags some recruits our way *winks*.



*nods and dusts off his hands*

Ahmed Al Maktoum,
Grenadier Corporal

[OOC] Another one for you  :D [/OOC]

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Shadwell on July 19, 2005, 08:30:54 am
Ahmed ... hasnt the Baron told you that Command aren't eligible for the money? *shrugs*

Ehh no? Everyone is eligble for the money. Tsk tsk!

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Tweeso Pebble on July 26, 2005, 01:54:44 pm
Recruiting a new craftman to the guild.
I joined Ryan on his request and we recruited one each. This is my report....

And when we were back at the Barracks I handed him over to Izzy our mayoress.

And he was then a peasant of Cove.

Scout Corporal Valiro Gryphonclaw

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Judas on July 27, 2005, 06:04:52 pm
Judas sits down to write of his latest conquest...

Aye in the last two days i Judas Deibeau av been recruiting around the Britain area with and without the help of my fellow Guardsman . in the last two day i huv recruited . Guardsman Recruit Paul Melveev and Guardsman Recruit Odenetheus and also soon to be Guardsman recruit Seemus!

No a bad joab id say!

              Judas Deibeau

Title: Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05)
Post by: Octiovus on August 04, 2005, 11:03:13 pm
Recruitment month is finished!

Stay tuned for further recruitment months, cheers to all who participated!