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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Dermott Eason on June 22, 2011, 03:00:49 pm

Title: More Trainin' - 5.30pm BST, Thursday 22/06/11
Post by: Dermott Eason on June 22, 2011, 03:00:49 pm
Aye, tha' second phase o' mah Watchman's Trials be DISCIPLINE. It's mah job ter train ye boys an' girls well fer tha' Army. Now, I be learnin' mahself so nay except too much. Ba' I'll do mah best fer Cove an' fer tha' Army.

When: 5.30pm BST, Thursday
Where: Barracks Rooftop, Cove
Bring: Bandages, Armor, Parade Arms.

See yer thar!

Watchman D. Eason
Apprentice of Regular Grenadier Demarian Tel'var
Grenadier Aspirant, Covian Army