Title: Vigilant Night And Day.. Post by: Gregor Eason on June 22, 2011, 04:57:54 pm The Severed Heads Orcs
This eve I spoke with a lady who had been held captive by a group of orcs. We have since identified this clan as the 'Severed Heads Orcs', and we've had a few skirmishes with them already.. The lady explained of her horrors, and how the orcs made their 'slaves' construct a fortification close to their Fort - half made out of stone. (http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-orc1.jpg)(http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-orc2.jpg)(http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-orc3.jpg) Reconnaissance I - 'The Hut' Guardsman Recruit Abel Nightroad was tasked with locating this fortification that, according to the eyewitness report, was referred to as 'The Hut'. (http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-orc4.jpg)(http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-orc5.jpg)(http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-orc6.jpg)(http://fabledpearl.hostzi.com/e-orc7.jpg) Gregor Eason Mentor of Guardsman Recruits Zared and Aleri Briggs Senior Guardsman, Covian Army Title: Re: Vigilant Night And Day.. Post by: Keitaro Kazami on June 23, 2011, 11:27:15 am (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/Kentaro_01/orcreport.png)
Title: Re: Vigilant Night And Day.. Post by: Gregor Eason on June 23, 2011, 02:09:17 pm Good work, Nightroad! This information shall be used well.
Gregor Eason Mentor of Guardsman Recruits Zared and Aleri Briggs Senior Guardsman, Covian Army |