Title: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Kas Valentine on June 27, 2011, 07:45:34 am I'm always interested in what people like and don't like about the way people decorate their homes.
So keeping this in mind, can you two explain what you didn't like about my tower....? It cuts Kas, it cuts him deep. :'( Anyway, s'some pictures..... (http://bunglestuff.com/images/Ground.png) (http://bunglestuff.com/images/First.png) (http://bunglestuff.com/images/Second.png) (http://bunglestuff.com/images/Roof.png) For the sake of argument can we ignore the chicken coops and the girly room on the first floor, I didn't decorate those, they belong to my adopted daughter in roleplay, Dolores Haze. The library on the second floor was decorated by Elv'eng, the previous owner of the tower, and it was his wish that it be left unchanged upon transfer of the structure. The only change I've made there is to add the outer room with the librarian in and replace all the empty shelves with full ones. Your input is appreciated ! Cheers, KV. Title: Re: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Linaeus on June 27, 2011, 09:05:21 am S'not in Cove !
Rageragerage Title: Re: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Leanne Martin on June 27, 2011, 11:47:02 am I like. Large Towers are the best houses anyway, and it's neat decorated, not overthrown with countless items.
Title: Re: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Keitaro Kazami on June 27, 2011, 05:34:02 pm with me its the tower itself not the deco kas.... i just hate not being able to change how it looks later on if i dont like it lol
Title: Re: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Kas Valentine on June 28, 2011, 03:41:57 am Oh, so a preference towards customisable houses rather than classic designs....?
Title: Re: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Keitaro Kazami on June 28, 2011, 05:50:30 am right!
Title: Re: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Celuvian on June 28, 2011, 12:43:37 pm 'tis improperly placed! otherwise looks neat.
Title: Re: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Kas Valentine on June 28, 2011, 02:14:30 pm Heh, cheers 'Haap !
I pride myself on my neatness. Oh and.... (http://bunglestuff.com/images/Tower.png) Improperly placed, hah, only because s'not in Cove. ;) Title: Re: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Faden on June 29, 2011, 11:48:24 am Oooh whats with the food in the bedroom and fountain - tis it meant to be like that :)
Title: Re: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Kas Valentine on June 29, 2011, 02:08:53 pm 'Tis !
S'my cosy corner, every Arcanist has one. *nod nod* The fountain is an improvised, and arguably classy, wash basin. ;D Title: Re: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Alfred Bohr on July 18, 2011, 08:53:20 pm I'm just impressed it's been around since '99... though that's definitely not a negative thing.
Also, the cosy corner is awesome. Title: Re: [Abel Nightroad and Avalynn Vale] S'wrong with my 'gaff...? Post by: Avalynn Vale on July 27, 2011, 04:59:28 pm ...well seeing as im just seeing this...Kassy..you cleaned since i been in there! and im the same as Abel, its the tower itself not the Deco, other then that it looks great