Title: Recruit Duty ~ Mini Huntmaster Post by: Sergio on June 27, 2011, 09:24:18 am After a few Months of people saying I needed to work towards a promotion even though I don't get why I decided to shut them up by doing it. I picked an assignment off the board and then after thinking it through I put it back because no one would believe me if I brought back the head of an Ancient Wyrm and decided on something anyone could do because that way I wouldn't have to explain myself. Which brings me to killing an orcish brute. I went to there encampment and killed my way to the front where I happened upon one quickly enough so I lured it away from the fort to prevent any unexpected enemies from joining the fight.
(http://oi52.tinypic.com/19atk2.jpg) After luring the brute away it started trying to pelt me with smaller orc like some sort of orc cannon which I pushed off and focused on the brute while staying at range of the smaller ones. And after I took down the Brute I took care of the small army he'd thrown at me. (http://oi51.tinypic.com/sgpu87.jpg) I then took the brutes helm and left unscathed. (http://oi53.tinypic.com/2rhb9z9.jpg) Fritz Segur Guardsman Recruit |