Title: Chasing down a falconberg. Post by: Tweeso Pebble on June 30, 2005, 11:59:01 pm I and Grief was following some very mystic persons to the gates of trinsic. Where we stopped. I did hide and grief somehow got out of my sight. While I was waiting on him one of the falconberg walked by and was easy seen in her uniform.
- En Garde! (http://img274.imageshack.us/img274/4089/capture10ha.gif) And couse of that the trinsicans did aid her I was unable to capture her home to the barracks and me and grief got forced to leave. (http://img274.imageshack.us/img274/1417/capture22im.gif) *Signed* Junior Scout Valiro Gryphonclaw Title: Re: Chasing down a falconberg. Post by: Nashiem De'Monti on July 01, 2005, 02:26:38 am [OOC: before anyone else in a somewhat "Gung Ho" nature decides to meander on down to Trinsic .... following someone or not. I wanted to remind everyone of the rules for Trinsic which i presume still stand since i aint seen posted different... PLS CLICK HERE TO READ (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,704.0.html) ]
Title: Re: Chasing down a falconberg. Post by: Hrothgar on July 01, 2005, 05:52:47 am ((Well the lazy baron hasn't updated that yet *Shakes Fist*
Yew is no longer off limits and i believe you are allowed to travel to Trinsic accompanied by a Senior Guardsman or Above.)) |