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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Gregor Eason on July 01, 2011, 08:30:09 pm

Title: Cove Battle Drill - 7.45pm BST, Saturday 02/07/11
Post by: Gregor Eason on July 01, 2011, 08:30:09 pm
On this eve we shall be conducting a Battle Drill within the walls of Cove. The Guardsmen Militia of Yew will be presenting themselves to help us field two sides in a training scenario that shall be explained on the night.

The training session shall be coordinated by Regular Guardsman Jassi Cowin and Yew Militia Sergeant Tommy Nottinbury.

When: 7.45pm BST, Saturday
Where: Meet at the Covian Moongate.
Bring: Combat Arms, Parade Arms, Bandages.

See ye there!

Gregor Eason
Senior Guardsman, Covian Army