Title: (Completed) Grenadier Trials ~ Jassi Cowin Post by: Linaeus on July 02, 2011, 04:09:24 pm Task One: Loyalty
The thing that sets the Grenadiers apart from the rest of the Army is their unwavering loyalty to the Baronship, and their willingness to defend it against any threat, be it foreign or domestic. To demonstrate your willingness to do whatever must be done to ensure the safety of Cove's people and rulers, you are charge with the following task; ~ Choose a member or group of members within the Army that you believe to be in some way suspicious or to be acting in a way that is detrimental to the safety and stability of the Baronship. ~ Conduct a covert investigation, learning what you can about the subject's background, ambitions, and so forth. ~ Make a report of your findings below. Task Two: Discipline As a Grenadier, you may be called upon to take action against select individuals within a group or crowd, creating a risk that bystanders will be harmed. A Grenadier must be a man of incredible discipline and self-control to avoid harming innocents in the course of apprehending an enemy of the state. ~ Lead a patrol to the Orc Fort, giving specific orders to slay ONLY Orcish Scouts, Choppers, Captains, and Brutes. You must avoid slaying grunts and mages during the course of your raid. ~ Make sketches of the corpses of one each of the aforementioned specialist orcs. Task Three: Ability to Fight Grenadiers have a reputation for being the Covian Army's finest infantrymen - a reputation that is well-earned. To demonstrate that you have what it takes to hold the line alongside the world's finest, you will lead an expedition through the dreaded Pass of Karnaugh, fighting your way through the length of the building. ~ Lead a hunt to the Pass of Karnaugh in Ilshenar, fighting your way from one end of the structure to the opposite exit. ~ It is recommended that you bring at least four other Guardsmen with you, and make preparations for multiple attempts should something go amiss. Task Four: Brotherhood When you have completed the tasks set forth above, contact me and I will make the arrangements for you to take your Oath of Loyalty, formally inducting you into the Grenadiers. *Signed* Commander Torrak Keres, Baron's Own Grenadiers Title: Re: Grenadier Trials ~ Jassi Cowin Post by: Jassi Cowin on July 08, 2011, 07:35:33 pm Task Three: Ability to Fight
When: Tuesday, 7-6-11 Guardsmen in attendance: Avalynn Vale, Guardsman Recruit Abilgail Keres, Junior Arcanist Elizabeth Martin, Officer Cadet Demarian Tel'var, Regular Grenadier Faden Wildheart, Junior Scout Leanne Melior, Junior Guardsman Jassi Cowin, Regular Guardsman(leading) I had quite a bit of help on this one.. The first thing we did when arrived at the entrance was place a few supplies down in case we needed to go back for them. I sent a scout, Miss Melior, into the pass to find which way was the easiest to go. We took the easy route, no guardsmen who injured as we made our way through the pass without so much as a hesitation. I led them all the way to the Valor moongate in which we started from Compassion. We even recruited some random Vesperian into the army on our way back.. We had enough gold in the end for each guardsman to donate 2,000 each to the coffers. Sketches of the hunt.. *signed neatly* Jassi Cowin, Regular Guardsman (http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/65/grenadierduty01.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/836/grenadierduty01.jpg/) Title: Re: Grenadier Trials ~ Jassi Cowin Post by: Jassi Cowin on February 10, 2012, 05:23:36 pm Task Two: Discipline
*looks up at the date of the trials* Well.. As I write this I must say it has been a while.. Decided to take a short break from duty and all that stuff.. But I have completed all these tasks and considering I still want to be a grenadier, I shall pin them up the reports.. Attended By: (If this list is wrong, let me know, a bit short on memory) Celuvian, Retired Arcanist Perrin, Regular Guardsman Jassi Cowin, Regular Guardsman(leading) Ilyana Drachen, Arcanist Corporal Pickles, Officer Cadet I had actually done this task twice, the first time was an absolute failure because one of the recruits was a complete failure who failed to listen.. So I had attempted it again with more experienced guardsman and it was a complete success.. Below are sketches and in them should be all the required kills. I do not believe we brought back any gold either from what I remember, it was a quick in and out. *sketches* (http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/rr189/Jonnyboy22/Orccontrol.png) *signed* Jassi Cowin, Regular Title: Re: Grenadier Trials ~ Jassi Cowin Post by: Jassi Cowin on February 10, 2012, 05:37:56 pm Task One: Loyalty
Well.. There wasn't a whole lot to this one.. I did pick a member of the army. It was no one other than Cal'ain! An elf who has been a Watchman for as long as I can remember. He was easily the most suspicious of the bunch that we have. The first thing that had my curious about Cal'ain was his hatred for the church and his constant refusal to be branded an arcanist. At the time of all this we didn't seem to be getting along with Vesper all to well, from where he has cousins. This led me to investigate him. The first thing I investigated was his pies that he would constantly hand out, it was as if he has a sack of endless pies for all. (http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/rr189/Jonnyboy22/ScreenShot002.jpg) Let it be known that these pies are safe to eat. I brought the pie to a very skillful cook to make sure of it. He also is or was in a relationship(I believe he still is) with another lass who cannot ever seem to get promoted known as Veronica Tillian. She as well has a dislike of our church. However, after a long period of investigation. I came to realize that they just don't like the church. It is good to know that we don't seem to have any spies within The Covian Army. If we do, then they are very good at what they do. *signed* Jassi Cowin, Regular Title: Re: Grenadier Trials ~ Jassi Cowin Post by: Leanne Martin on February 10, 2012, 09:20:21 pm Good lad! Don't miss parade on sunday so I can take your oath and reward you with your bronze arms.