Title: In The Woods, Near Cove... Post by: Alfred Bohr on July 23, 2011, 07:30:46 pm "What is this?" Alfred Bohr wondered, as he stood by a large oak deep into what was, to be fair, a small forest. Alfred Bohr had not planned on doing or seeing anything unusual in particular that day, and had simply gone on a normal stroll through the woods on the outskirts of the town he was currently residing in. Now, the choice of the phrase "currently residing in" for usage in the last sentence was not unintentional but rather was to indicate that the young man standing in this forest had not always lived in the aforementioned town but rather had moved to the Baronship of Cove (for this was the town's name) from elsewhere. And, incidentally, the reason that he was at this point, residing on land owned by the baronship was related to his being in the forest at this moment.
He examined his point of interest slightly more closely, though keeping a slight amount of distance and a fair grip on his sword as if it, or anything else in the woods, might jump out at him with murderous intent. After all, it wouldn't do for a Covian soldier to be taken by surprise in his own territory because of simple lack of readiness, would it? Then again, what soldier, man of men, hero of Cove would be caught looking at a bracelet in the woods? As that was his subject of interest. More accurately, a bracelet which had managed to become attached to the tree some years ago, and which the tree had grown around, swallowing it up like a walrus swallowing whole fish. It looked delicate, more like something a lady would wear to enhance the slender curve of arm to hand than a man trying to protect his wrists in battle. On the small bit that still stuck out from the blanket of bark, an intricate pattern of repeating knots was wound, swooping in and out, looping about itself and woven in some metal that caught the small amount of light that shone through the trees as if it had once been brilliant. That small glimmer was what had originally caught his eye, drawing his attention to the spectacle, an intermingling of nature and man's creation. It could almost been some piece of arcane art, he felt, knowing all too well creativity of certain comrades who dabbled in magic. It was this illogical association, he knew himself it was, that made him hesitant. Suddenly, a wild bird called, shaking Alfred out of his reverie and reminding him of his duties, and that his free time was drawing to a close. He shook himself off, took a last, searching glance and took off back towards the town from whence he came, left with a little more about these woods, but knowing that there was so much more that he'd yet to discover. tl;dr: Alf' saw a bit of jewellery a tree had grown over. |