Title: Titan Hunt Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on July 28, 2011, 08:50:41 pm Leading:
Avalynn Vale - Watchman Attending: Hoagie - Captain Kas Valentine - Senior Arcanist Faden Wildheart - Senior Scout Nicholi Ravnthorn - Regular Guardsman Sergio Jarrett - Regular Scout Kado Gael - Junior Guardsman Cailin Keres - Junior Guardsman Cal'ain Cui'gnar - Watchman Marcus Kobra - Old Man Watchman Vale rallied the troops tonight at about eight o'clock, with a mighty plan to strike down the growing titan populations in the deep of Ilshenar. After a longish debate of where they actually reside, we decided that they "might" be close to the Honesty Moongate. It was decided that we would fumble around in the most Covian fasion and bash things to death until we found where we wanted to be. After finding the Titans, it did not take our overwhelming force long to strike down every living one there! We quickly made our way into the deepest part of thier stronghold, to take down the Lich Lords aswell as the Mighty Barlons! (http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/7370/ansx.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/577/ansx.jpg/) We brought back a decent amount of gold, which most of us donated to the coffers, about three thousand coins each. Another grand victory for Cove! Huzzah! *Signed* Nicholi Ravnthorn Regular Guardsman |