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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kado Gael on July 28, 2011, 11:33:56 pm

Title: WANTED: Disobedience
Post by: Kado Gael on July 28, 2011, 11:33:56 pm
Thomas Aylmer - Junior Arcanist
Mercy - Junior Arcanist
Kas Valentine - Senior Arcanist
Aleri Briggs - Junior Guard

These guardsmen and woman are wanted for the following causes.
-Insulting a guard on duty
-Assaulting a guard on duty
-Harbouring a villain.

They are to be braught before the commander to settle their punishment.

Aleri Briggs had recieved a punishment to clean the Cove walls, inside out, but ran off after cleaning two whole planks. He took refuge in "Rulk Industries office" where Guardsman Kado Gael was assaulted and insulted whilst trying to get Aleri out.

Title: Re: WANTED: Disobedience
Post by: Kado Gael on July 29, 2011, 12:20:11 am
Thomas Aylmer has been arrested and is awaiting punishment.

Title: Re: WANTED: Disobedience
Post by: Kas Valentine on July 29, 2011, 11:04:56 am
To whom it may concern,

As a senior executive in Rulk Industries, owners of the property where this altercation took place, I write to refute the claims of your recently issued arrest warrant. It is certainly true that I was in the office mentioned, but I was there discussing some important business matters with my partner, Thomas Aylmer. Miss Mercy was upstairs tending to our stocks, a harmless administrative task. It was at this point that Aleri Briggs (henceforth know as "Cap'n") bustled through the front door with the man I assume to be Kado Gael in hot pursuit.

The Cap'n took refuge behind the main desk and claimed he was being unfairly punished for a task that had recently been completed. Thomas and I began to discuss the issue with those concerned, in order to ascertain the truth, or some semblance of it. Apparently the Cap'n had been enlisted to wash down the walls of Cove "inside and out", and Mr Gael was claiming that a mere two planks had been cleaned prior to the Cap'n attempting to leave. With the assistance of Miss Mercy, who had come downstairs to greet who she doubtless thought were visitors, we argued the case of the Cap'n as seen by Rulk Industries.

This case is as follows;

  • The Cap'n was on commercially owned property, and thus it was an issue for the legal representatives of the business in question, and of no concern to local guardsmen. The interference by such parties has only served to complicate and further exacerbate the problem.
  • With the case as it was presented to senior Rulk Industries executives at the time, it would appear that the Cap'n had in fact completed his cleaning task and the issue was one of specifics (I.E how much of the wall was to be cleaned).
  • The levelling of charges against the executives of Rulk Industries may constitute a crime in and of itself, most notably unlawful arrest.
  • Rulk Industries does not recognise the charges against it, those being: disobedience, insulting behaviour, aggressive behaviour.
  • Rulk Industries cannot be held accountable for the following charge: harbouring a villain. The villain harboured himself within Rulk Industries property.

I would like to state at this juncture that the implication that senior executives attempted to accost the resident guardsman is a complete fabrication. We discussed the matter quite heatedly with Kado Gael, attempting to establish the nature of the situation. He then began to grow intolerant of the Rulk Industries party and it was at this point that he announced his desire to post an arrest warrant and left. If a member of our executive branch, namely Thomas Aylmer, has been arrested on these charges and/or coerced into giving false testimony then the fault lies at the feet of the Baronship and not at those of Rulk Industries or the individuals implicated by Gael.

I am entirely willing to discuss this matter privately, in the company of legal documents and/or representatives. However, we have visited Aylmer in his current state of incarceration and take issue with what can only loosely be described as his "living conditions". Until such time as he receives three hot meals a day, a comfy chair, some pictures to put on the walls and a large stock of locally sourced alcohol, we cannot proceed with consultation regarding this issue.

Thank you for your time and we at Rulk Industries look forward to resolving this matter as quickly as possible.

Signed in rich elaborate ink,
Kas Valentine, Rulk Industries Senior Executive.

Title: Re: WANTED: Disobedience
Post by: Hoagie on July 29, 2011, 09:00:32 pm
The Baron's justice has been served this day, and those listed above have been punished for their crimes.

Hoagie Grayner,

*Hastily added.*
Except Briggs. He is to be thrown into the bay.