Title: Mercy Post by: Mercy on July 29, 2011, 01:21:05 pm Name: Mercy Louise (surname unknown)
Age: Mid Twenties Height: 5'0 Description: Her long raven black hair hangs in waves down her back and shoulders, her body is slim and there is little muscle on her, she has bright green eyes that shine when she smiles, her face is heartshaped with a small nose and high cheekbones. Her lips are soft and usually smiling or pouty if she is upset. She wears her uniform proudly, and has a necklace about her neck in place of a gorget which she only wears when fighting. Often has a mage's hat which is slightly too big for her and usually at a slight tilt on her head, the point of the hat is bent at an angle. Characteristics Mercy is a very friendly person, loyal to Cove and her friends and loves to help, she is usually quiet around those she doesn't know but her confidence is growing. She has a child like innocence to alot of things and misses most of what is said or goes on around her if she doesn't quite understand it's meaning. She is very protective of Kas Valentine who she loves and is devoted to and will set anyone on fire who threatens or hurts him. Mercy is likely to run away in a battle situation if she is left alone but her courage will soon return if she sees any other Covian nearby. Background She was born and raised on the boarder of Cove and Minoc with her two brothers and recently younger sister. It is known in the family that Mercy doesn't share the same Merchant Sailor father as her siblings because of her arcane abilities. Her father is remembered only as a shadowy cloaked man that visited the village, charmed her mother one night and disappearing soon after. Mercy has always been shunned for her abilities and spent much of her time locked in a cupboard. When she eventually escaped and joined the Covian Army her brother Sean Greyson was sent to find her and bring her back, having found she had taken vows to service he decided to stay himself and later became a squire of the Church. Career History Mercy's abilities grew under the tutorship of Arcanist Kas Valentine and they soon formed a close bond. For a time they were amongst a very few Arcanists when the Army became a Mercenary Group they attracted several new members. During the transistion back to the Army, Mercy was amongst those who helped put the foundations to the Arcanist Squad, including the introduction of their uniform. Mercy took part in several wars, most notably the Boarder Wars Campaign where she helped keep several of the Arcanists alive so they could deal a deathly blow on their eniemies. (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9663/mercyo.jpg) |