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Guardsman Boards => Light Company Board => Topic started by: Keane Wakefield on July 30, 2011, 01:21:58 am

Post by: Keane Wakefield on July 30, 2011, 01:21:58 am
A camping we will go.....
To prove you are worthy of the scouts your first task is as followed.

  -Create a Camp Site
  -Need at least another Guardsman
  -Spend one night in your Camp Site and Make it back alive.

             Kelban, Seek out another Guardsman and head to the Shire. Create a Campsite that you can safely sleep within. As Scouts we maybe away from home for many nights spying on the enemy . I need to see you have the skills to handle that. Survive the night... Report back to me when you complete this.

                    Keane Wakefield

Title: Re: (TASK) KELBAN
Post by: Kal/Mathew on July 30, 2011, 02:08:10 am
*Walks by seeing he notice*

Camping in the shire and surviving the night? Ookay I will see it done Ser!